A trademark representative is a person who is qualified to act in matters involving trademark law and, among other things, provides legal advice on trade mark (related) matters.
The responsibilities of a trademark representative include:
- advising on the adoption and selection of new trademarks;
- filing applications to register trademarks;
- advising on the use and registration of trademarks;
- handling trademark oppositions (not applicable in Sint Maarten);
- withdrawals, invalidations and assignments;
- carry out searches, advising on and prosecuting in trademark infringement matters.
Legal requirements to be acknowledged as Trademark representative on Sint Maarten
To be acknowledged as a trademark representative on Sint Maarten legal requirements have to be met. These requirements can be found in the Trademark Ordinance of Sint Maarten more specifically in article 15 paragraph 3.
Ex article 15 paragraph 3 the following persons can be registered as a trademark representative:
- an attorney at law or notary practicing in Sint Maarten;
- a professional in the field of trademarks established in Sint Maarten and registered as such at the Chamber of Commerce Sint Maarten;
- employed by a company established in Sint Maarten that specializes in trademarks and the registration thereof and registered as such at the Chamber of Commerce Sint Maarten.
Want to register as a Trademark representative by BIP?
If you are interested to be a trademark representative (based) in Sint Maarten, kindly find further information under the IP Professionals section of this website.
List of Representatives registered with BIP SXM
(In alphabetical order)
Aanic Legal Services, Trademarks & Consultancy
- Nicole Booi
L.G. Smith Boulevard 158
E: nicole@aaniclegal.com
T: +297 7347370
Berman Consultancy Legal & Trust B.V.
Welfare Road 68, Office 221
Simpson Bay
Sint Maarten DWI
website: https://www.bermankeuning.com/
E: info@bermanclt.com / lberman@bermanclt.com / info@bermankeuning.com
T: +172 544 4900
Bertrand Legal & IP Consultancy B.V.
Castorweg 22-24
E: legal@bertrand-legal.com
T: +5999 4618183
BZSE Attorneys at Law
Mr. P. Soons
Mr. J. Vlasblom
Mw. mr. W.D. Kweekel
P.O. Box 737
Welgelegen Road 29
Cay Hill
Sint Maarten
Phone: +1 721 542 7550
Fax: +1 721 542 7551
Website: www.bzselaw.com
Email: psoons@bzselaw.com / jvlasblom@bzselaw.com
Canwood Legal Services VBA
Doris Canwood
Ponton 69 F
E: Info@canwoodlegal.com
T: +297 5889900
Consider It Solved by Roseburg & Partners
Sjamira Roseburg
55 Welfare Road Unit 9
Sint Maarten
website: https://consideritsolved.biz
E: Roseburg@consideritsolved.biz
T: +1721 5538939
Duncan & Brandon Law office/ The Lawfirm
- Mw. mr. P. Brandon
E: pbrandon@thelawfirmsxm.net
C.A. Cannegieterstreet 46
Sint Maarten
T: +1721 543 74 66
Eisden Attorneys at Law B.V.
Mw. Marie Jose Eisden
Jan Sofat kavel 52E
T: +5999 5214822
E: eisden@true-lawyers.com
W: https://true-lawyers.com/
G.A. Winkel Sr. NV.
Mw. C.J.Winkel
Mw. A. Sanchez (LL.M)
Falcon Drive 5,
Harbour View,
Sint Maarten
Phone: 599-9-737 15 46
Fax : 599-9-737 16 26
Website: http://www.gawinkel.com
Email: trademarks@gawinkelsr.com
Gibson & Associates Law Office
Mr. R. Gibson jr.
Cannegieter Street 26,
Sint Maarten
Phone: +1721-542-2291 / +1721-542-2492
Fax: +1721-542-4626
Website: www.attorneysxm.com
Email: info@attorneysxm.com
Gomez & Bikker
Mr. L.D. Gomez
Kudu Drive 2 (Roundabout of Belair)
Cay Hill
Sint Maarten
Phone: 297-588-7355
Website: www.gobiklaw.com
Email: support@gobiklaw.com / lincoln@gobiklaw.com
HBN Law Holding B.V.
Mr. E. De Vries
W.G. Buncamper Road 33,
Sint Maarten
Phone: +1721-542 2272
Fax: +1721-542 4381
Website: www.hbnlaw.com
Email: eric.devries@hbnlawtax.com
Justus Consultancy
Vidjai Jusia LLM, MSc
Maubey Drive #12
St. John’s Estate
Sint Maarten
E: justus.sxm@gmail.com
T: +1721 5236992
Kloes Kock & Partners – KKP
Mr. Michel Kock
W.J.A. Nisbeth Road 23
Sint Maarten
+297 5921009
Landmark Carib
C.A. Cannegieterstreet 46
Sint Maarten
E: pbrandon@thelawfirmsxm.net
T: +1721 543 74 66
Lexwell Attorneys at Law
Mr. M. Kortenoever
Mr. J. Veen
Mr. F. Kutluer
Falcon Drive 2
Harbour View
Phone: +1721-542 4670
Fax: +1721-542 4693
Website: www.lexwell.net
Email: info@lexwell.net
Mingo Civil Law Notary Office
Mrs. Marlene F. Mingo (LL.M.)
Fouress Building, Suite 4D,
Emmaplein, Philipsburg,
Sint Maarten
Phone: (+1721) 542 3556 / 542 2684.
Mob: (+1 -721) 520 77 6 7
Fax: (+1 -721) 542 4978
Website: http://www.notarymingo.com
Email: info@notarymingo.com
Notary Office Boekhoudt
Professional Office Park,
Osprey Drive 1,
Unit 2-B,
Sint Maarten
Phone: +1 (721) 542 99 26
Website: http://www.notaryboekhoudt.com
Email: notary@notaryboekhoudt.com
Ox & Wolf Legal Partners
Mercuriusstraat 24
website: https://ox-wolf.com
E: jaensch@ox-wolf.com
T: +5999 8434343
Richards Legal A.B.V.
Mw. Keshia Richards
Frontstreet 5, Unit 4
Sint Maarten
T: +1721 542-6817
E: notary@sxmnotaryrichards.sx
W: sxmnotaryrichards.sx
Sjiem Fat & Co
Johan P. Sjiem Fat
J.G. Emanstraat 49A
E: general@arubalaw.com
T: +297 5821255
Soualiga Law
Mr. A. Gonzales
Ms. Y. Cuales
Sparrow road 1B,
Obersi Building
Harbour View
Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
T: 00 599 9 563 8290
Email: trademark@soualigalaw.com
Soliana Bonapart & Aardenburg III
- mr. M. Bonapart
E: bonapartm@sba-advocaten.com
- Ms. Suellen M.A. Gonzales
E: gonzaless@sba-advocaten.com
Pietermaai 23
W: http://www.sba-advocaten.com/
T: +5999 461 3833
Spigt Dutch Caribbean
Scharlooweg 29
website: https://spigtdutchcaribbean.com/
E: douwe.douwes@spigtdc.com / info@spigtdc.com / partners@spigtdc.com / maike.bergervoet@spigt.com
T: +5999 461 8073 / +5999 461 8700 / +5999 788 8700
Tackling Law
15 Red Plum Tree Drive – Unit 2.1
Sint Maarten
E: nathalie@tacklinglaw.com
T: +1721 5222808
Tarma Trade Mark Agency NV
Robert J. Huyzen
Castorweg 22-24
E: info@tarmatrademark.com
T: +5999 4618199
Trademarkmanagement SXM
Mrs. Naomi Ilario-Jansen
Trademarkmanagement SXM
P.O.Box 185
Frontstreet 92, Royal Plaza
Sint Maarten
Phone: +59997387999
Fax: +59997383647
Email: info@trademarkmanagement.net
mr. J.M.R. Statius van Eps
mr. D.G.J. Fabius
Mw. mr. R.C. Mogen
Puerta del Sol building, unit 33,
Welfare Road 68, Colebay
P.O. Box 494
Philipsburg St. Maarten
Phone: +1 721 542 2902
Fax: +1 721 542 2907
Website: www.vaneps.com
Email: trademarks@vaneps.com